Drinking water use of the waters of the Campolattaro reservoir and strengthening of the drinking power supply for the Beneventana area – Lots 1 and 2
Customer: Campania Region
Years: 2024 – under validation
Activities: Parametric and integrated architectural, structural, acoustic, energy, infrastructural and hydraulic executive design, fire Engineering, Control of worker’s safety on site (HSE), Project Management, Bim Management
Design developed with BIM approach
Project cost: Euro 322.0 mln of works (lot 1) | Euro 142.2 mln of works (lot 2)
The project for potable water use from the Campolattaro reservoir and enhancement of the drinking supply for the Benevento area is among the works of strategic importance on a national scale funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). The overall project, including the works pertaining to lots 1, 2 and 3, is represented by the productive and multiple use (potable, irrigation, industrial) of water from the Campolattaro reservoir, one of the main reservoirs in the Central South, conceived at the time by the Cassa del Mezzogiorno for exclusively irrigation purposes, delivered in the early 1990s and never made functional.
The planning design progressively matured in the competent institutional bodies, has indulged and fixed the principle of the multiple use of the water resource stored in the reservoir, albeit defining a scale of priorities that assumes the production of resource for human use as the prevailing purpose of the process of regeneration and functionalization of the work, identifying and quantifying – at the same time – the irrigation needs of the vast area of the Province of Benevento and the methods of its satisfaction.

The overall project works can be summarized as follows:
- completion of the Campolattaro Dam through the construction of the diversion tunnel. The work was taken out of the original project carried out by the former Cassa per lo Sviluppo del Mezzogiorno in the early 1990s and delegated to the Campania Region with the transfer report of the year 1997. The tunnel, with a length of about 7.5 km, houses within it a DN 2200 mm pipeline that is common to the two uses of the resource, irrigation and drinking, of which the former accounts for more than 60% of the derived maximum load (7600 l/s). The derivation work terminates with a DN 1800 penstock in a hydroelectric plant for energy valorization of the available hydraulic load located in the Municipality of Ponte (BN);
- construction of a potabilization plant with a maximum capacity of 3000 l/s and a 30000 m3 storage tank, both located in the Municipality of Ponte immediately downstream of the hydroelectric plant;
- construction of the DN 1500 adductor connecting the new storage reservoir with the Campano Aqueduct of Torano Biferno, for a development of about 31.5 km;
- construction of the works for the upgrading and integration of the aqueduct systems of the Benevento Province area;
- rehabilitation of the branch from the Acquedotto Campano for Benevento for a development of about 32.5 km with a DN 700 pipeline;
- integration of the water supply in the Beneventana Area aqueducts with a lifting plant with a maximum capacity of 500 l/s, DN 600 pressure pipeline, with development of about 8.3 km, arrival and compensation reservoir of 4000 m3 in the PIP area of the Municipality of Campolattaro;
- DN 600 pipeline, with development 2.9 km connecting the new Campolattaro reservoir with the partition of Zingara Morta, suitably expanded;
- DN 500 pipeline, with development 8.1 km, connecting the Zingara Morta partition with a move partition of Pesco Sannita integrated with no. 2 new in-line lifting plants;
- DN 400 pipeline, development 24.3 km, supplying the municipalities of Alto Fortore, with origin in the new partition of Pesco Sannita and termination of the Sella Canala reservoir in the municipality of Colle Sannita;
- intermediate lifting plant along the route of the DN 400 pipeline to Sella Canala located in the municipality of San Marco dei Cavoti;
- DN 500 pipeline, with 11 km development, connecting the Zingara Morta partition with the Guardia Sanframondi partition;
- construction of the DN 1800-1700-1200 mm primary irrigation feeder, serving the Telesina Valley district, for a development of approximately 21.5 km from the Ponte hydroelectric plant to the Grassano pumping station of the Sannio Alifano Reclamation Consortium in the Municipality of San Salvatore Telesino;
- construction of a hydroelectric plant for the energy valorization of the hydraulic load available downstream of the new primary irrigation feeder located adjacent to the Grassano pumping station of the Sannio Alifano Reclamation Consortium.
The Campolattaro project, when built, will contribute to the water needs of more than 2.5 (more than 40 percent of Campania’s) million inhabitants in Campania, while allowing the irrigation of about 15,000 hectares in the province of Benevento, destined and assignable to high value-added production.