150 kV interconnection “Sorrento – Vico Equense – Agerola – Lettere” and related works
Customer: Terna Rete Italia
Years: 2018-ongoing
Activities: Environmental Monitoring Plan, Before, During and After Work Environmental Monitoring, Compliance with Prescriptions, Green Works Project, Hydraulic and Hydrogeological Compatibility Studies, Construction Site and Operational Environmental Management Plan, Collision Risk Study for Avifauna; Acoustic Component Monitoring, Acoustic Impact Study
Datas: 23 km of new overhead lines, 7 km of new cable lines, 58 km of decommissioned lines
The intervention, relating to the rationalization of the Electricity Transmission Network of the Sorrento Peninsula, is located in an area unique for its landscape, natural and archaeological value, affecting Natural Parks and Natura 2000 Network sites. Overall, the project involves the construction of 23 km of new overhead lines, 7 km of new cable lines and 58 km of existing lines to be decommissioned in the municipalities of Agerola, Sorrento, Vico Equense, Piano di Sorrento, Sant’Agnello, Positano, Pimonte, Gragnano, Lettere, Casola di Napoli, and Sant’Antonio Abate.
All the specialized environmental studies of the executive project phase were prepared (collision risk study for avifauna, crown effect study, chromatic studies for landscape insertion, hydrogeological constraint authorizations and forest cutting) in a context of particular environmental sensitivity. In addition, the Environmental Monitoring Plan and Monitoring of vegetation, soil, fauna, noise and landscape components were prepared. The activities are also completed with the preparation of the Executive Project of the green works and the preparation of the necessary documents for the Verification of Compliance at the Ministry of Environment as the project has been submitted to Environmental Impact Assessment of national competence.