Seismic and extraordinary maintenance interventions
Customer: Città Metropolitana di Torino
Years: 2023 – ongoing
Activities: Seismic vulnerability analysis, Final and Detailed Design (Building, Architectural, Structural and MEP Engineering), Site Supervision, Control of worker’s safety on site (HSE), Acoustics, Fire Engineering, Energetics
Project cost: Euro 8.9 mln of works
Datas: 30,000 sqm
The school complex is located in Grugliasco between Corso Allamano, Via Crea and Strada comunale del Barocchio, on the outskirts of Turin.
The complex has numerous critical issues related to the obsolescence of construction elements and wear and tear related to school activity: interior and exterior finishes, restrooms, electrical systems, interior and exterior windows and doors, suspended ceilings, bituminous roofing sheathing, etc.
Although numerous extraordinary maintenance and regulatory upgrades have already been carried out in recent years to respond to the critical issues present, these have always been partial in nature and have not, to date, allowed for an overall upgrading of the building, especially from the energy point of view.
For the school complex, there has been a move toward an energy and building renovation and upgrading project for the building and gymnasiums that includes:
- seismic retrofitting;
- adjustment of electrical and special systems;
- energy improvement interventions;
- fireproofing regulatory adaptation;
- renovation of toilets and obsolete plant components;
- interior finishes;
- redevelopment of internal courtyards.
The usable area of use is approximately 30,000 sq. m.