
Ai at Re/Urb, Day on Urban Regeneration

On March 10, Ai participated in “Re/Urb, Day on Urban Regeneration” an event organized by the Inarcassa Foundation at the Lingotto Convention Center in Torino.

The Foundation promoted a day of discussion and debate on the theme of urban regeneration, with the aim of connecting and involving the various social and institutional actors who are fundamental in the transformation processes of our cities, from the point of view of both building and inhabiting public places and spaces.

The Day on Urban Regeneration was an important opportunity to develop a discussion with the world of the profession and experts in the field of urban planning, as well as to take stock of the regulatory framework of reference, also in the light of the draft laws on urban regeneration currently in the process of being passed in Parliament.

The event was attended by Marco Brugo, representing OICE, and Sabina Carucci, who as speaker covered two topics:

  • the illustration of what has been developed by the OICE “Urban Regeneration” Working Group, which, starting from the analysis of experiences of some important Italian urban regeneration initiatives, has enucleated a series of best practices and operational indications;
  • the presentation of the “Unitary Redevelopment Project” of the Cavallerizza Reale Complex in Torino, curated by Ai Engineering | Ai Studio, as an illustrative and certainly singular case of urban regeneration at the city level.

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For info Re/Urb, Giornata sulla Rigenerazione Urbana


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